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Year of the Monkey

Fan Wu

‘I stood in front of the roller coaster, whose winding tracks looked like intestines in a demon's stomach.’

The Last Thing We Need

Claire Vaye Watkins

‘I think there will be lightning tonight; the air has that feel.’

A Lovely and Terrible Thing

Chris Womersley

‘For a moment I could not speak. I looked off into the bleak distance, then at this man, and there was something about the sad shake of his head and the way his hair flapped about on his scalp that filled me with unreasonable warmth.’


Joy Williams

‘As regards to life it is much the best to think that the experiences we have are necessary for us.’

In The Tunnel

John Wray

‘It was a question of not thinking about what you were doing.’

Give it up for Billy

Edmund White

‘Were there moral cataracts that one could remove?’


Mo Yan

‘Once the preposterous reality set in, we were overcome by sadness.’

After Ida

Elise Winn

‘The year I turned seventeen, the cicada chorus was deafening, as if they were impatient for the real beginning of summer and didn’t realize they were it.’

Once Was Dark

Josh Weil

‘When he opened his eyes, she was looking out at the rooster, the sun-blasted concrete, the railing thinned to brittle by the brightness.’


Lucy Wood

‘He was stamped darkly onto the wide stretch of sea like a single footprint.’


Jeanette Winterson

‘Every 200,000 years or so, the individual stars within each constellation shift position. That is, they are shifting all the time, but more subtly than any tracker dog of ours can follow. One day, if the earth has not voluntarily opted out of the solar system, we will wake up to a new heaven whose dome will again confound us.’


Claire Vaye Watkins

‘He had a mind to surf through all crises and shortages and conflicts past and present.’

Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Lina Wolff

‘No one here is normal except you, and you’re not even from Spain.’

The Barracks Thief

Tobias Wolff

‘What sort of a man would turn his back on his own kind?’