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Yan Ge

‘I’m curious to know what you did with your milk there, Jacob said. Did you dump it, or, did you drink it?’

A story by Yan Ge.


Camilla Grudova

‘We were sent to Wakeley Boarding School aged eight for Year Five and stayed on until Year Twenty.’

Fiction by Camilla Grudova.

A Note in the Margin

Isabella Hammad

‘I register that phrase with pleasure, my brother.’

Isabella Hammad on migration, mentors and disappointment.

Best Last Minute Spa Deal for Under £40

Yara Rodrigues Fowler

‘She rings a tiny cymbal over your body. She says, The experience is finished now.’

A story by Yara Rodrigues Fowler.

Nothing Special

Nicole Flattery

‘There was very little I could do in life except get dressed, smoke the correct cigarettes.’

An extract from Nothing Special by Nicole Flattery.

Blue Hunger

Viola Di Grado

‘All I wanted was to look at Xu and be looked at by Xu. Be touched by Xu. Be commanded by Xu.’

An extract from Blue Hunger by Viola Di Grado, translated by Jamie Richards.

This Is as Far as We Come

Carlos Fonseca

‘Those men and women don’t want rubber. They are after something more ethereal but fearsome: the conversion of souls.’

Fiction by Carlos Fonseca, translated by Megan McDowell.

Hungry Ghosts

Kevin Jared Hosein

‘This was no longer a fight, Krishna realised. This was a point of no return.’

An excerpt from Hungry Ghosts by Kevin Jared Hosein.

Love, Leda

Mark Hyatt

‘It’s terrible to be young, always randy; one needs material.’

An extract from Love, Leda by Mark Hyatt.

The Chosen Death of the Witch

Lucy Ives

‘He came to see, after a long agony, that it would be best to give it up.’

A new story by Lucy Ives.

They’re Going To Love You

Meg Howrey

‘He understands he is a container. For music, for movement.’

An excerpt from Meg Howrey’s novel, set in the world of professional ballet.


Johanne Lykke Holm

‘I knew a woman’s life could at any point be turned into a crime scene.’

An excerpt from Strega.

The Unfolding

A.M. Homes

‘As the brightness increases, the sky flushes with pink and red hues somewhere between birth and Armageddon.’

An excerpt from A.M. Homes’ new novel.

Life Is Everywhere

Lucy Ives

‘Erin’s mother, whom Erin also loved, was a covetous person, treacherous and clever.’

An excerpt from Lucy Ives’ new novel.