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Unsteady People

Ian Jack

‘But from the distance of India, Sheffield looked different.’


Leonard Michaels

‘Of course I wouldn’t. It would be politically incorrect, as is anything really personal.’


Colin Thubron

‘In twenty or thirty years’ time, perhaps, a monument will be raised to the martyrs of Tiananmen Square, innocent harbingers of a more liberal age.’

A Fight in Bethnal Green

Jeremy Harding

‘There was no sizing up, no graceful footwork, none of the rhetoric of the game: this was unmitigated invective.’

Emergency Room

Eugene Richards

‘I saw cuts, burns, broken limbs, heart attacks, and then, what's inside the human body.’

Letters to My Father, Now Dead

Teresa Pàmies

‘I was glad to see General Pavel at your funeral, Father.’

Fellow Workers

Mary McCarthy

‘If it had not been for me, he would never have been in Mexico.’

Baby Clutch

Adam Mars-Jones

‘Endlessly we reformulate our feelings for each other.’

Summers in Norfolk

Roger Garfitt

‘I watch her arms as she moves about the room, almost in love with their colour.’


Michael Ignatieff

‘Memory is what reconciles us to the future. Because she has no past, her future rushes towards her, a bat's wing brushing against her face in the dark.’


John Treherne

‘But I was now much possessed by death and saw beneath the skin.’

A History

William Cooper

‘She was fighting for breath, fighting to live, perhaps fighting not to leave us.’

Dead Faces

Rudolf Schäfer

‘These pictures show what will surely become of us all one day.’


Chris Petit

‘One afternoon I woke up in a porno cinema with no memory of getting there.’