Granta | The Home of New Writing

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from the knotweed sonnets

Andrew McMillan

‘sometimes I need / the sound of something pulled up from the roots / and tossed aside’

A Meeting of Minds with Henry David Thoreau

Andrew Motion

‘What am I doing here more than looking – / which I would stop / only to help things through their vanishing’

A Spell For Going Safely Forth By Day

Jynne Martin

‘The hunter pushes a bullet beneath his tongue to fix his aim, / or is it to stave off his thirst?

All the Good Help

Togara Muzanenhamo

‘He will not understand her fascination / for rain, these summer months of water / that somehow keep the money coming in.’

Already Two

Vladimir Mayakovsky

‘I’m in no hurry; I’ll not storm your dreams’

Ange Mlinko | First Sentence

Ange Mlinko

‘I rediscovered the efficacy of meter (or the ‘contrast between fixity and flux’) when I was stuck in a shark tunnel with my kids and was afraid I was coming down with a panic attack.’


Jamie McKendrick

‘greener / for an alien crop of hogweed higher / than us’

Best Book of 1891: The Birds of Manitoba

Sylvia Legris

‘During the pandemic, birds (along with many insects and wild plants) have landed in my life and poems again.’

Biographical Detail

Ángel González Muñiz

‘The cockroaches in my house complain because I read at night’.

Biscotti Boys / On Men Who Wear Living as Loosely as Their Suits

Momtaza Mehri

‘salmaan the second son & his mama’s seventh seal by way of underwater & underemployment’


James Lasdun

‘I thought I’d do it while I still could.’


John Kinsella

‘They are superbly and viscerally unreal / and I feel their living drive’


Gboyega Odubanjo

‘should one count names like goats?’

A poem by Gboyega Odubanjo.

Children in Tactical Gear

Peter Mishler

‘we watched the last / very colorful weapons / coming ashore’