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Release the Darkness to New Lichen

Peter Gizzi

‘was it wind or a creature / am I here or is it over’

It was discovered that gut bacteria were responsible

Kathryn Maris

‘this dream that might have been pleasant for an / 8-year-old could instead emerge as a nightmare for a woman / on the brink of menopause’

Observations on the Ground

Mary Ruefle

‘Those flowers belong to the dead.’

The Afterlife of Trees and Their Lovers

Sumana Roy

‘It is difficult to imagine a history of trees / without man in it. Man as tree, Tree as tale.’


Angélica Freitas

‘amelia, the real woman, / ran away with the bearded lady’

Two Poems

Tomaž Šalamun

‘Heads of saints fell off and / smashed the glassy cages. My voice smashed them.’

Model Reconstruction of Ancient Rome

Sandra Simonds

‘Here I am. Sephora, symbol of stolen work.’

The Swing

Don Paterson

‘the honest fulcrum of the hour / that engineers our ghost’

Two Poems

Eric Anderson

‘Wanting to get it all in, like / Xerxes tipping his army’s arrows / with saltpeter / so to ignite the Grecian sky.’


Ghassan Zaqtan

‘Nothing’s left to say between us / everything went / into the train that hid its whistle.’

End of the Pier Show

Michael Hofmann

‘They were fascinated / by what they seemed to have contained.’

Hang It Up

Anne Carson

‘hang up your blood cell phone mr white slaver’