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Two Poems

Maya C. Popa

‘Things assume a sort of peace / if you accept life’s limitations.’

Poetry by Maya C. Popa.

David Attenborough

K Patrick

‘Motherhood is this chapter, / we all love a mother, / disastrous as it is.’

Poetry by K Patrick.

Calais to Dover

Jana Prikryl

‘If you need a renewable resource / then look in the direction of the sea. / It’s deep as feelings you didn’t know you had.’

Poetry by Jana Prikryl.


Frederick Seidel

‘Poetry is a disgrace on a warm spring day in March. You look at the sky with unconditional love.’

Poetry by Frederick Seidel.

Blood comedy

K Patrick

‘Stopping has become a mutual desire. The things we want to stop. Mostly sounds of other people.’

A poem by K Patrick.

Two poems

Madeleine Stack

‘I won her with my grief first / a mess of steaming entrails, enticing / with its gloss.’

Two poems by Madeleine Stack.

Four Poems

Phoebe Power

‘They queue up to pass, lap / like waves beside her, to receive the darshan / from her one, black eye.’

Poetry by Phoebe Power.

Great North Wood

Jonathan Skinner

‘the woods are vocal / with no single refrain’

Poetry by Jonathan Skinner.

Animal Rescue

Martha Sprackland

Will it die? he asks.’

A poem by Martha Sprackland.

Two Poems

Maya C. Popa

‘the widening gap / between two kinds of life: the one lived and the one / remembered.’

Two poems by Maya C. Popa.


Natalie Shapero

‘it’s wrong / to let delicacies, even when suspect, go untried’

A poem by Natalie Shapero.

Two Poems

Eva Salzman

‘I might as well have not said or done what I said I said or did.’

Poetry by Eva Salzman.

Two Poems

Eleni Sikelianos

‘in the animal mirror my incisors / were not fangs but surely / they could still tear / meat’

Two poems by Eleni Sikelianos.

Two Poems

Claudine Toutoungi

‘Most of us these days are dead or on autopilot / As for the wolves – they thrive’

Two poems by Claudine Toutoungi.