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Ways of Knowing

Lauren Wallach

‘Maybe I was born with this face the way moths are born with the ability to blend in with bark, to survive.’

The Appointment

Katharina Volckmer

‘I know that I can trust you, and that death is silent. It’s never the loud things that kill us, the things that make us vomit and scream and cry. Those things are just looking for attention.’


Callan Wink

‘This was going to be harder than he had thought.’

Hold Your Fire

Chloe Wilson

‘While waiting for his faecal transplant, my husband wasn’t as fun as he used to be.’

Più Vivo

Diane Williams

‘You’ve seen I’m sure a performer on stage stock-still – during which time he waits for his ovation. This is how I am these days.’

New fiction from Diane Williams.

Barn 8

Deb Olin Unferth

A novel exploring the terrible logic of the US egg industry.


Che Yeun

‘Close, the way any two girls around here grow close, because there isn’t much else to do, and anyone who makes you forget how little there is to do, anyone who makes your heart race, is someone you suddenly cannot live without.’

Short fiction by Che Yeun.

Tale of Human Adventure

Diane Williams

‘The whole experience of writing this was enjoyable, as is the entire seriousness with which I take myself.’ New fiction by Diane Williams

Grief in Moderation

Diane Williams

‘The tiny daisies were scored by the shadows of the slats of the venetian blinds and the stripes were shivering.’ Diane Williams.


Adrian Van Young

‘I shift my weight right, where the hammer hangs down. Then left, then right, then left again.’

Natural History

Eva Warrick

‘Vita thought she saw a handgun in her father’s underwear drawer.’

The Little Winter

Joy Williams

‘She remembered being happy off and on that day, and then looking at things and finding it all unkind.’


Elvia Wilk

‘We’re trying to prove that it’s possible to live sustainably and not be such a freak about it.’

The Polyglot Lovers

Lina Wolff

‘When we were sixteen years old, I broke Johnny’s nose with the back of my hand.’