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Karina Sainz Borgo

‘They reached Cúcuta at midday. All of them except the grandmother were hungry.’


Jorge Consiglio

‘A knock-off Conrad. He’d drive us to school in his car.’

The Dreadful Mucamas

Lydia Davis

‘We do not believe they are sincerely trying to please us.’

The Girls and the Dogs

Kevin Barry

‘Maurice turns left, turns right, to loosen out the kinks in his neck. Images slice through him.’

The Main Thing Is to Keep the Front Garden Immaculate

Simone Buchholz

An extract from Beton Rouge by Simone Buchholz, translated from the German by Rachel Ward.

The Most Common State of Matter

Cara Blue Adams

‘She was quietly awed by her own panic.’

The Silk Road

Kathryn Davis

‘The choice of starting point wasn’t important; the important thing was to cycle through the same sequence of edges.’

The Wind That Lays Waste

Selva Almada

‘Leni’s last image of her mother is from the rear window of the car.’

Visitors Rev. 4

Anne Carson

‘I descend to confront – a visitor! After the jam? I think so. Or the gin.’