Granta | The Home of New Writing



Elisa Victoria

‘I hope I never have to miss a playdate for catechism.’

An excerpt from Oldladyvoice, translated from the Spanish by Charlotte Whittle.

Just the Plague

Ludmila Ulitskaya

‘It seems to be more than he can cope with.’

An excerpt from Ulitskaya’s newly translated novel Just the Plague.

An Adult Taste

Kang Young-sook

‘The blood that flowed down the drain was a deep dark red, but it appeared clean, even refreshing.’

A new story by Kang Young-sook, translated from the Korean by Janet Hong.

Licked Clean

Sammy Wright

From Test Signal: Northern Anthology of New Writers.

The Disappearance of Mumma Dell

Roland Watson-Grant

Winner of the Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the region of the Caribbean

My Father’s Lover Was Never the Stepdad I Wanted Him to Be

Isabel Waidner

A letter to footballer Justin Fashanu – excerpted from Isabel Waidner’s novel Sterling Karat Gold.

A Song About Singularities

Jack Underwood

‘Precious things, even those given to me lovingly, feel like a test.’

Jack Underwood on poetry and black holes.

The Color of Balloons

Dainerys Machado Vento

‘None of these people give a shit that a flock of birds is going to choke to death on those balloons, be they pink or blue.’

Fiction by Dainerys Machado Vento, translated by Will Vanderhyden.

A Story of the Sea

Diego Zúñiga

‘That was the big news: Tani’s grandson was debuting.’

Fiction by Diego Zúñiga, translated by Megan McDowell.

Clara’s Parrot

Hebe Uhart

‘He laughs with a human laugh, a sinister and forceful cackle.’

Newly translated work from the Argentine writer Hebe Uhart.

An Ounce of Gold and Máxima Acuña Atalaya

Joseph Zárate

‘To end up with an ounce of gold – enough to make a wedding ring – you need to extract fifty tonnes of earth, or the contents of forty removal lorries.’

Two Poems

Wendy Xu

‘Somewhere in America a white boss / in a dandelion dress-shirt is raising / his voice again’

Notes on Craft

Rebecca Watson

I was possessed, for a year, by a woman whose name I do not know.