Granta | The Home of New Writing


A Night in the Engadine

John Kaag

John Kaag, author of Hiking with Nietzsche, camps out in the mountains of the Engadine where Nietzsche wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Best Book of 1900: The Autobiography of Dr William Henry Johnson

Jennifer Kabat

‘Johnson is now a ghost of history; he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page, but I can’t let him disappear.’

The Fairytale

Jennifer Kabat

‘In Hollin Hills, we believed our flatware could change the world.’ Jennifer Kabat on the intersection of modernist architecture and espionage.


Jennifer Kabat

Jennifer Kabat on the Anti-Rent War, one of the earliest moments of rural populism in the US, and something few know about outside the Catskill Mountains.

The Great Wall

Ismail Kadaré

‘What China loses by the sword it retakes by silk.’

The Gorilla’s Apprentice

Billy Kahora

‘Real life was the thin couch he slept on at home. Real life was his mother screaming that he needed to face Real Life.’

Bucket of Eels

Mitsuyo Kakuta

‘I was gazing into my empty bowl and realizing how little time it takes to eat when you’re not carrying on a conversation.’

The Best of Young British Novelists

Nadav Kander

Nadav Kander's stunning portraits of Granta's Best of Young British Novelists 2013.

Rules for Visiting

Jessica Francis Kane

‘It wasn’t until the end of dinner, when my aunt started clearing and my grandmother demanded another bottle of wine, that I began to understand.’

The Report

Jessica Francis Kane

‘She was both scared about what it meant – a terrible raid; everyone sensed it – and furious with herself for not planning better.’

Stuck in Trees (with Apologies to Ian Frazier)

Jessica Francis Kane

‘On 8 January 2018, I noticed a large bunch of purple balloons in a tree near my apartment building.’


Hitomi Kanehara

‘I steadied my trembling legs and yelled, “Welcome to Delira!” ’

The Fruit of My Woman

Han Kang

‘It was late May when I first saw the bruises on my wife’s body.’

White | State of Mind

Han Kang

‘I was told that she was a girl, with a face as white as a crescent-moon rice cake.’ New writing from Han Kang, translated from the Korean by Deborah Smith.