Sònia Hernández | Granta

Sònia Hernández

Born in Terrassa, Sònia Hernández grew up in a working-class town with an evocative name: Badia. She works as a literary critic for the cultura/s supplement in La Vanguardia. She has always felt drawn to the outskirts, not just the urban, though she never found there the sadness of landscape described by Michael Ende – the writer who made her a reader – or the rawness of the streets of Juan Marsé. She is the author of the poetry books La casa del mar (2006) and Los nombres del tiempo (2010). Hernández is the coordinator of the literary research magazine Quaderns de Vallençana, dedicated to the humanist Juan Ramón Masoliver. ‘The Survivor’ is from her collection of short stories Los enfermos erróneos (2008).