Peter Bush
Peter Bush is a translator. His first literary translation was Juan Goytisolo’s Forbidden Territory (North Point Press, 1989) and, to date, Bush has translated eleven other titles in Goytisolo’s bibliography, including The Marx Family Saga and Exiled from Almost Everywhere. He has translated many Catalan writers including Josep Pla, Mercè Rodoreda, Joan Sales, Najat El Hachmi and Teresa Solana. His most recent effort is A Film (3000 meters) by Víctor Català, the classic 1919 feminist novel set in Barcelona’s criminal underworld. Bush lives and works in Bristol.
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Poetry | The Online Edition
The Pink Plastic Glove
Dolors Miquel
‘A pink plastic glove arrives, I say hello, pink plastic glove, you’ve arrived.’
Poetry by Dolors Miquel, translated by Peter Bush.
Issue 113
On a Boat to Tangier
Tahar Ben Jelloun
‘He inspected the chest where the snakes slept. There was the viper, quiet, in a deep sleep.’