Jeremy Seabrook
Jeremy Seabrook’s most recent books include Pauperland: Poverty & the Poor in Britain and The Song of the Shirt: Cheap Clothes Across Centuries and Continents. His book on welfare cuts will be published by Pluto in 2016. He is currently working on a history of orphans.
Jeremy Seabrook on
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Love in the Graveyards of Industry
Jeremy Seabrook
‘Love was no longer encoded in recognised behaviours, but became subject to private desires and idiosyncratic needs.’
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Work I Never Did
Jeremy Seabrook
‘My mother’s cry rang in my ears from infancy. ‘No child of mine is going into a shoe factory.’’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
A Woman Wronged
Jeremy Seabrook
‘The dead do not leave us alone.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Jeremy Seabrook
‘Separation has been, perhaps, the single biggest determining influence in my life.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
The End of the Provinces
Jeremy Seabrook
‘If provincial life still exists, it does so only residually and is doomed to eventual extinction.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
An English Exile
Jeremy Seabrook
‘I was never a revolutionary, not really a Marxist.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Mrs Thatcher’s Religious Pilgrimage
Jeremy Seabrook & Trevor Blackwell
‘Mrs Thatcher's success is not only in her ability to plunder the chapel culture in which she was born - that fertile source of imagery and suasion - for she is also a story-teller to the nation, offering us easy and instant illustrations like those of the brightly coloured pop-up picture books of our childhood.’