James Wolcott
James Wolcott (b. 1952) is an American journalist, known for his critique of contemporary media. Wolcott is the cultural critic for Vanity Fair and a contributor to The New Yorker. His works include The Catsitters (2001), Lucking Out (2012), and Critical Mass, a collection of essays and reviews.
James Wolcott on Granta.com
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
Notes from New York
James Wolcott
‘Now and then it can appear that an entire magazine is opening up the silks, searching for a soft place to land.’
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
New York
James Wolcott
‘Shiny and bright and compact, 'Heartburn’ whirrs along, not so much a novel as an appliance - an appliance whose inner workings are on the fritz.’