Remembering Anthony Shadid | Michael Robinson-Chavez | Granta Magazine

Remembering Anthony Shadid

Michael Robinson-Chavez

‘It was Anthony Shadid at his best, consumed by the stories of Iraq in the wake of the US led invasion and writing the most beautiful and intimate account of what followed.’

Michael Robinson-Chavez

Michael Robinson Chávez has been a photographer at The Los Angeles Times since 2007 and lives outside of Los Angeles, California. Prior to that, he worked for The Washington Post, The Boston Globe and the Associated Press. He has covered wide-ranging national and international assignments in over 45 countries including: the Congolese Civil War, the 2010 earthquake in Chile, the revolution in Egypt, life in India’s slums, economic decline in the United States, the 2006 Hezbollah/Israeli war, the Georgian/Russian war in 2008 and the US led invasion and occupation of Iraq. He has twice been named Photographer of the Year by The White House News Photographers’ Association in 2004 and 2007 and was awarded second place Newspaper Photographer of the Year in 2010 by Pictures of the Year International.

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